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costs table
$66 of fresh ham and chicken, dog food and treats, even fresh produce, for under $10. You CAN Consistently Stretch Your Grocery DollarsIn summary, without the Costco purchase or money back from rebates, we purchased $451 groceries for $54. Three trips, three stores, within a ten day period, at a TOTAL SAVINGS of 88%! Include the Costco purchases and savings, and we have a grand total of $607 in groceries for $34 cash paid…or 94% savings! Four shopping trips, all within 10 days. No once in a life-time coupons. No planning months ahead, collecting up the best coupons, or even rain checks, for a single shopping spree. Simply a response to a recent request to document the savings I personally achieve using the information and methods I describe on this site. There were some good discounts, which we were able to maximize with good coupons.
There were also some not so good sales we were able to pass on, since we had reserves at home. These types of savings are widely available. The specific sales, coupons, discontinued items, and other discounts themselves may not be, but the techniques to find them and take advantage of them are. It takes practice, and patience, as well as some trial and error to find which techniques work for you, and fit in to your life style. You should NOT be able to achieve these savings immediately, any more than you should lift 300 pounds or run a marathon on your first day out. But you can do it. After all, you’ve got a personal trainer grocery savings trainer right here at this site.

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