

When to Buy/In Season:
All year

How to Select:
Look for packaging in good condition, with no visible damage to the beans.

Organic Issues:

Pesticide Issues:

How to Store:

Store dried beans at room temperature 2 years or more; may be stored indefinitely if packaging is not damaged. Refrigerate or freeze after cooking.

To Prepare:
Rinse well, discard any stones or shriveled beans (sort). Dry beans and whole peas require soaking before cooking, split peas and lentils do not.

Overnight soaking: cover each cup beans or whole peas with 3 cups water, let stand 12 hours or overnight.

Quick soak: add beans or whole peas to boiling water, allowing 3 cups water for each cup beans or whole peas. Over night heat, heating to boiling; boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and leave for one hour; cook in the same water.

To cook: after soaking, add 1 tsp salt for each cup dry beans or peas. Over medium-low heat, simmer covered, until tender.

Measurement: One cup dried beans yields 2 – 2 ½ cups cooked.

Refrigerate or freeze after cooking.

Photo Sources: Roger Smith

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