

When to Buy/In Season:
All year. Best grape supplies are available from July to November.

How to Select:
Plump, fresh-looking grapes with individual berries firmly attached to stems. A high color for the variety usually means good flavor. Avoid grapes with dry, brittle stems or any that are shriveled or leaking moisture and staining carton. Grapes should be plump and firm.

Organic Issues:
Grapes are extremely sensitive to moisture, developing mold, mildew, fungus, as well as being susceptible to pests. They may also be sprayed with a growth stimulator. Organic grapes are less common than other organic products because of the difficulties presented, and may be more expensive than other organic products.

Pesticide Issues:
EWG 2009 Dirty Dozen, Domestic grapes are #21 in pesticide residue, imported grapes are number #10.

How to Store:
refrigerate fresh grapes up to 1 – 2 weeks, discard any that have softened.

To Freeze Fresh Grapes:

  • Whole grapes. Choose fully ripe, firm, sweet grapes. Sort, stem and wash. Leave seedless grapes whole; cut table grapes with seeds in half and remove seeds. De-stem, wash and place in freezer bags or containers.
  • Purée: Wash, stem and crush the grapes. Heat to boiling. Drain off free juice and freeze it separately. Remove seeds and hulls with a colander. Add ½ cup sugar to 1 quart (2 pounds) purée. Pack into containers, leaving headspace. Seal and freeze.
  • Juice: Crush grapes. Add 1 cup water per gallon crushed grapes. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain juice through a jelly bag. To remove tartrate crystals, let stand overnight in refrigerator or other cool place. Pour off clear juice for freezing. Discard sediment. Pour juice into containers, leaving headspace. Seal and freeze. If tartrate crystals form in frozen juice, they may be removed by straining the juice after it thaws.

Store in the freezer (0F): 6 – 12 months


See our Basics of Canning Fruit at Home
Home Canned fruits can be stored for up to 1 year; they may lose quality after that point. Commercially canned fruit can be stored up to 3 years.

See our Basics of Drying Fruit at Home

Dried grapes (raisins) store well at room temperature for up to four months, or may be frozen indefinitely.

To prepare your own raisins:

  1. Choose seedless varieties.
  2. WASH grapes. Remove steam and leave whole.
  3. DIP grapes in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds to remove natural waxy coating or “bloom”.
  4. DRY at 130°F to 135°F until pliable with no moisture pockets.
  5. STORE in freezer safe containers or plastic bags. Label
  6. water content of grapes, 81%

Photo Source: Katka Koscava

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