When you coupon, you want to get the most bang for your buck. If you are like me, that means using cashback apps, manufacturers and digital coupons, special promotions, and price matches. You can even shop at stores that double coupons. Stores that double coupons, take your cents off manufacturers coupons, and double the amount of up to usually $1. While many stores do this, we wanna know if Piggly Wiggly double coupons.
Does Piggly Wiggly Double Coupons
The answer to the question is yes and no. Many articles on the internet say yes. They note the companies policy is to double up to ten coupons, per household, per member card, per day. They will also double coupons valued below .99 cents. When you go to their website and view the official coupon policy of Piggly Wiggly Is different. While they don’t explicitly state whether they do or do not double coupons, they say that internet coupons are not eligible for double coupon promotions. To get a better sense of the policy, I called around to find out the deal. From what I gathered by calling, double discount promotions vary by store.
Other Ways to Save at Piggly Wiggly
If your Piggly Wiggly does not double coupons, don’t worry, there are other ways to save. The store accepts all manufacturers coupons that do not exceed $3 and aren’t for free products. The store also has a store-branded loyalty card. Sign up online and load your card with digital coupon offers. If you want more, follow them on social media, look out for their special sales days and promotions.
While there aren’t many other savings offers for the store, I found a good one. Checking out Ibotta App I cam across Piggly Wiggly deals. You can link your store loyalty card to the app for instant cashback offers or submit your receipt.
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