Starting February 5th through May 5th, you can get game pieces to play in the Albertson’s Monopoly game. The game is in other family stores including Tom Thumb, Safeway, and Randalls, and others. The Monopoly game is a ticket to sweet exclusive prizes like Fandango, Gas, Grocery, cash, tickets, and getaway rewards. If you do not want to pay to play, here how to get Albertson’s monopoly game pieces free.

Best way to earn monopoly pieces 

For those of you who are heading to the store to grocery shop, you benefit from picking up selected products already on your list. These pieces are then affixed to the official game board or logged into the Shop, Play, Win app to be tracked. A unique game code is entered in the app for chances at digital game prizes. Unique coded and instant win pieces are eligible for second chance sweepstakes entry. Additionally, you will receive one free Shop, Play, Win ticket with each in-store purchase at participating stores. You get a bonus ticket for every 10 participating products you buy in one transaction too. 


you can get free Albertson’s Monopoly piece is by mail. Write a handwritten letter, affixed with a self-addressed stamped envelope, to Monopoly Game Ticket Request, ATTN: Promotions Coordinator, P O Box 3058, Kennesaw, GA 30156. When done correctly, you will receive the free requested ticket plus a free bonus ticket. 

Swapping Pieces Online

If you are looking for missing pieces, or have too many of the same and want to swap out, hit the web. There are many trading forms for the Albertson’s Monopoly pieces. You can trade game pieces or find someone giving them away to get a free chance at prizes. 

The Albertson’s Monopoly game is a great way to earn prizes. You aren’t going to break the bank shopping to get pieces. If you follow our advisce you know the perfect means on how to get Albertson’s Monopoly game pieces free.

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