By now, you know all the familiar places to find coupons. You regularly buy your newspaper in-store on Sunday, add coupons to your loyalty card, and find grocery store offers all the time. You may think you have it all down-packed, but there are a few nontraditional ways to find grocery coupons. Check out a few below.
Do you ever pay attention to those pesky Facebook ads? If you haven’t before, you need to now. Not all of the ads are to buy a product. Sometimes they’re coupons for consumers to try out new grocery items. The best part is they are always free. I have tried out numerous types of vegan ice cream options this way. There are other options for different products like snacks, meats, and juices. If you are not just into grocery offers, they advertise for other products like electronics, beauty, and hair products as well.
Coupon Swapping
Another way you can get coupons is through coupon swapping. Some people have swapping parties they regularly attend. The swap is a chance for you to get rid of coupons you don’t want and change them out for some new ones you do. The best part is you get a chance to find some hard-to-obtain coupons. You also have the opportunity to network with other couponers. Through networking, you all can help each other get better at your craft. Alternatively, you can buy coupons by paying for postage. You can make such purchases through sites like eBay or a coupon fairy. They give you better access to coupon markets outside of your own but do cost.
Got To The Source
Lastly, you can get exclusive coupon savings and offers by going straight to the manufacturer. You can engage with them in many ways. First, try their website. Simply signing up for a member account grants you access to unique coupons you can’t find anywhere else. If you’ve already done that, write them a letter. You can do this through a DM on social media or mail a letter to the appropriate office or person at the company. Make sure you butter them up so you can watch the high-valued coupons roll in.
There are many ways to save at the store. I hope these nontraditional ways to find grocery coupons do you some good.
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