One of the most important ways to save money is simply not to waste it in the first place. Or, in the second place, as it were. Stocking up on fresh produce, milk, eggs, and other basics is great when it’s free, but not so great if it spoils. It’s the end of month, and time to check expiration dates.
I do stockpile organic and natural products, usually when they are free or nearly free after triple coupon or sales. Having a pantry full of shelf-stable basics like flour and pasta definitely helps when searching for ways to use the last of the orange juice or a half box of mushrooms.
Today, I needed to use the organic apples I just purchased. Two were quickly shredded and tossed into muffins for breakfast. The rest of the bag was sliced to make a fresh apple tart. Yum!
My last four containers of Del Monte Naturals mandarin oranges, free after coupon, were tossed into the food processor with the remaining orange juice. A box of organic cereal, some flour, eggs, a few tricks, and two dozen muffins emerged.
I shredded a pound of baby carrots, added a can of crushed pineapple, this and that, another box of organic cereal, and another two dozen muffins. Yum! A great way to use up the last of the Egglands Best eggs I picked up a few weeks ago, free after coupon/sale.
I used up some organic flour and yeast by making some traditional bread and English Muffins.
I think that’s about it. I’ll freeze some, and DH and the boys will down the rest.
Dinner will be pasta, some left over chicken, sour cream, mushrooms to make a chicken fettucini, and some asparagus from last week’s Costco. Some fresh bread, and that should clear out the frig of all my “use it or lose it” items. Nice!
DH thinks so too…he’s already downed several muffins.
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