grocery store manipulation, grocery store tips

Ways Grocery Stores Manipulate Your Senses

Grocery stores can be overwhelming for our senses since there’s so much to see, touch, smell, hear, and taste. Grocery stores like to take advantage of this over-stimulation and will use it to their advantage by trying to get you to buy more products. Understanding how grocery stores subtly influence your buying habits by manipulating…

save money on groceries

Save Money on Groceries Infograph

All You magazine has come out a nice infograph detailing some of the more common spending traps found in grocery stores. In addition to the grocery store traps, the infograph also gives solutions to the trap. For those that are looking for simple ways to save more money when grocery shopping, understanding these tricks so…

Dirty Shopping Carts

How dirty are grocery shopping carts? A lot dirtier than you probably think. According to Professor Charles Gerba, a University of Arizona researcher, half of those shopping carts you grab have E. coli bacteria on them and nearly three-fourths (72%) have fecal bacteria. Gerba swabbed the handles of 85 grocery carts in four states for…

Peelies – Peelie Coupons

Peelie coupons (usually referred to as “peelies”) are coupons that you can find stuck on the outside of a product in the store. You can peel them off like a sticker and hand them to the cashier when you check out. Make sure to read before peeling off the coupon because occasionally peelies will state “only valid…

Grocery Shopping Fail

You wouldn't think that it would really be possible to fail when grocery shopping. Sure, you might buy a few items that maybe you shouldn't have or paid a bit more than you could have, but for the most part shopping is pretty common sense. The problem seems to be that what one person views…

How to Store Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Now that you know where to store fresh fruits and vegetables, here is a quick and easy list of fruits and vegetables you need to take a little extra care in how you should store them: Fruits and vegetables you should store unwashed in a single layer: Blackberries Blueberries Raspberries Strawberries Fruits and vegetables you…