Coupons can come from many sources. You can find them digitally, in the Sunday paper, your store loyalty cards, and even in the mail. Another sure-fire way to get coupons is through a clipping service. Coupon clipping services will locate the coupons you want, clip them, and send them to you ready to use. Follow along for what a coupon clipping service can do for you and how to locate the best ones.
You should always look up the coupon clipping service you want to use. Be sure they have excellent communication and customer service skills. Also, be sure to look at customer complaints. If the person has a history of sending out the wrong orders, failure to ship products promptly, or at all, or ghost you after payment, it’s time to move on to another more reliable clipping service.
Shipping Methods
You want to be sure the service you find, has great shipping options. If you need your deals immediately, you want overnight or next-day shipping. You also want to use a service that offers to track. You can not rely on someone’s word when you are spending your money. Tracking helps you establish that the seller has shipped your product and that it is in route to you and being sent to the proper location. A service that doesn’t offer to track, is one to be wary of.
Available Products
When it’s time to shop, you need the best coupons for the job. Not all inserts are created equally. Often, some regions have a higher dollar amount than others. For instance, there may be a $4 coupon for Tide in a California insert, but the same insert in Georgia may only be worth $2. A good coupon clipping service will have inserts and coupons from various regions so you always get the best of what’s out there. A good service will also have all the different inserts that come out each week, and inserts from the previous weeks as well.
When you ensure your clipping service has a great product, accommodating shipping options, and great reviews, you will have a great experience.
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