How to Get Started with Coupons

I got into coupons on a whim. I thought, “let me try this out for one month and see what kind of savings I would have”. My first couple of trips to the stores were frustrating. I didn’t have my coupons organized correctly and did not read the fine print on them either. My totals ended up being more than I budgeted for as well. Over time I got better, and that propelled me into years of couponing for deals. If you are thinking about getting into this, here’s how to get started with coupons.

Collecting Coupons

The first step in the process is collecting coupons. You can collect them in several different ways. To start, you can purchase them from a coupon fairy website or with the Sunday paper. You can also add digital coupons to your store loyalty accounts and cashback applications and print coupons from sites like You can also get them direct from the manufacturers’ websites.


Locating the deals and pairing them with coupons is the toughest part of this. It can get frustrating looking at various sales ads and later pairing what you have to make a good deal. Instead, cheat on this part. There are many coupon deal sites out there like Krazy Coupon Lady and Iheart Publix. These sites break down the details of all the best deals in-store. The breakdowns include what coupon(s) you need and where to find them. They include what quantity of the item you need to purchase and how many coupons you will need. They even tell you if you can catch cashback using apps like Ibotta and Checkout 51. At the end of the breakdown, they will include how much your total out-of-pocket cost should be after all coupons, cashback, and rewards.

Organization and other tips

When you are done with your learning, it’s better to let others help with your experience. Consider all these tips and easily make a video online to share with your friends on social media. Be sure to either order your coupons pre-clipped, cut them and place them in a binder, or carry your inserts around with you at all times. You never know when you will catch a deal outside of the ones you find on the web. Also, be sure to read your favorite store coupon policy. It comes in handy to be in the know when there is a conflict at the register. Be ready to pull up the policy as needed, and adhere to the policy as well. Also, read the fine print on your coupon. It tells you exactly what item(s) need to be purchased, how many like coupons can be used, and when they can be used. I hope these how-to get started with coupon tips get you on the right path with your grocery savings.

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