
Electronic coupons (usually referred to as eCoupons) are coupons that you get on the Internet and load directly onto your grocery store’s shopping card. The main advantage of eCoupons is that there is no clipping and organizing involved when you use them. You simply chose them on a website and they are loaded onto your…

Safeway Petpals Coupons

If you have pets or buy food and other supplies for pet charities, you definitely want to keep an eye open for the winter 2011 Safeway Petpals booklet with $25 worth of coupons inside. The best part is that all the coupons in this petpals booklet are Safeway store coupons which means they can be…

Free Trident Gum at Safeway

There is a possible opportunity to get free Trident gum this week at Safeway. Yesterday while I was buying 225 boxes of fruit snacks for the local food bank, I noticed a large cardboard displaynear one of the cash registers for three new types of Trident Vitality gum: Vigorate, Rejuve and Awaken. On this display…

Product Rebates

I will state up front that I am not a big rebate fan. Since one of the main objectives I have with couponing is to make it as easy and painless as possible, rebates usually don’t fit with this goal. Even when the food will end up free after the rebate, the amount of extra…

Dirty Shopping Carts

How dirty are grocery shopping carts? A lot dirtier than you probably think. According to Professor Charles Gerba, a University of Arizona researcher, half of those shopping carts you grab have E. coli bacteria on them and nearly three-fourths (72%) have fecal bacteria. Gerba swabbed the handles of 85 grocery carts in four states for…