Be sure to check the packaged deli meat aisle when you make your trip to Safeway for a Safeway “Buy 5 Save $5” coupon booklet:

The booklet contains 6 coupons:

$1.00 off 1 Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip
$1.00 off 1 Ritz Toasted Chips
$1.00 off 1 Kraft Dressing
$1.00 off 1 Claussen Pickles
$1.00 off Safeway Brand Bread (Safeway coupon)
$1.00 off Any Produce Item (Safeway coupon – $5 purchase required)
While all of these coupons are decent, the $1 off produce coupon can mean quite a bit of free produce if there are any free product deals this month. All you need to do is buy $5.00 at Safeway (before coupons) and you get $1.00 of any produce you want for free.

For example, if you do the Kraft Deli Deluxe Cheese deal this week you can tack on $1.00 worth of any produce you want as well and get it all for free.
The Safeway bread coupon can also mean free bread since this bread is sometimes put on sale for $0.99. Well worth grabbing a few if you see them — these coupon booklets always disappear fast.
Hi there, I want to thank you for all the fabulous tips. I have only recently come across your blog and am trying to get as many of the deals as I can. When using the coupon database is SS Insert the same as Smart Source?
yes, that is correct
Since you’re sharing your free coupon knowledge, anyone who shops at Kroger should spin the wheel for the Summer of Savings. I just won a box of Raisin Bran today that is going into my donation box:
I saw these coupon books over the weekend as well. In my area they are in the seafood section. The coupon says “Limit one item per coupon”. Do you think that we can use more than one coupon at a time if we have more than one produce item?
Check your receipts! These haven’t been coming off at the register for me (it subtracts 0 cents!) and I have to go to customer service each time to get it corrected. Not sure what the issue is, but just wanted to give everyone the heads up.