For those of you that have a soda addiction (I am proud to say that I was able to break my soda habit several years ago) or just need to stock up for guests that will be coming over for the holidays, you can get free 2 liter bottles of Sierra Mist Natural and Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash at Safeway this week.

Sierra Mist Natural and Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash – $0.99 (when you buy 4)
**$1.00 off 1 Sierra Mist Natural and Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash coupon from the Safeway Thanksgiving Coupon Book
Final Price: Free
If you don’t have a Safeway near you, Target has these for $1.25 making them $0.25 each with coupon. I have heard that Walmart also has them for $1.00 making them free, but I have not been able to confirm this.
I ended up picking up a bunch for others that I know are going to be having gatherings this month so that they have one less thing to worry about picking up, but I still have a lot of coupons left over that I won’t be using. If you are interested in some of these coupons, leave a comment. All I ask in return is that you use some of the couponing skills you have learned here and other places to make a donation before the end of the year of some of the free stuff you have been able to get to your local food bank and add it to the Penny Experiment food donations.
If you would be willing to send these to Guam, I would love to have some. We are a military family in Guam for the next 3 years and getting coupons can be difficult. Our commissary will even accept expired coupons, as long as they are within 6 months of the expiration date.
I absolutely love reading about how you get so many free things for the food bank. I do as much as I can, but my biggest problem is finding a bulk amount of coupons. I have asked at a few stores and such, but still haven’t hit on the key to getting multiple copies of the paper. I keep trying though, and in the meantime I get as much as I can to donate. If you wouldn’t mind mailing, I would like some of the soda coupons, I promise they will go to the food bank, because we do not drink soda. (=
Thanks for all you do to help the hungry.
Thanks for sharing these great deals with us! I’ve found another way to share with others – we have an Adopt a Senior for Christmas program at work, and seeing some of their “wishes” made me realize how fortunate I am, and how I can help (with not much money or effort). Some seniors wished for soup, lotion, dishwashing detergent – things that I can easily give, and have stockpiled for myself. And with some more good deals, I will have even more to give!
I would love to have some of these coupons. Later on today I’m going to post my most recent blog post. I got 24 bags/boxes of Ronzoni pasta for about $0.25 each. I still have about 10 or so boxes left over from last year’s sale. I’m going to be donating a bunch from both last year and this year (the ones from last year have an exp date of 2012, so there’s still plenty of shelf life left in them). We just moved out of my in law’s house so I’m still in stockpile mode for a lot of items. I think having a whole wheat pasta alternative to all the empty grains that most people around here get from food pantries would be good.
I would love some of the coupons, the way I help others with couponing is I take extras to work and leave them in the break room for prople to take home,as a single mom, I know that just because you work does not always mean you have enough groceries to get through to the next pay day. Keep up the good work!
I would love some extras! Thanks for sharing! I’m planning on donating some food next week as well as sharing my stockpile with some friends who have recently been laid off.
If you have any coupons left, I would love some. I plan on experimenting with the soda, putting some into jello and seeing how it comes out.
Hi Jeffrey,
I would love to have some of your extra coupons! Thanks. I love reading your blog. I am anxious to see how you end up getting the free turkey!
To Amber
I heard you can send expired coupons to people in military to use and have been trying to find a place to send mine. I get a lot of coupons I don’t use from my mom. So if I could send them to you that would be great, I hate to throw them out ? so if you like them, let exchange e-mails and then addresses.
If you need some expired huggies or pampers coupons, I can send them to Guam.I also have a lot of expired P&G coupons I was going to send to some military base overseas.
Not just about this, But about everything you do. You are amazing and inspiring! And as one of those people that used to need that kind of help, I thank you.
So, I just wanted to say Thank You.
And I love to help people in need,
if you have any coupons left?
hi ladies, I would love any coupons you would like to send. I don’t know how to message you personally though. So I will post my email address
I’ve sent you an email today.