When it comes down to couponing, you must be organized at all times. A disorganized shopping trip could lead to many problems including paying more than you budgeted. Aside from creating a detailed shopping list, how you organize your savings is also essential. Learn how to organize your coupon notebook today.
Front Pouch of Coupon Notebook
Your coupon notebook needs to have a front pouch. This is where you need to place important support tools for your shopping trip. You need to keep a highlighter and writing utensils inside at all times. This will allow you to check off items as you shop and write in items and prices as needed. You will also need a calculator. This will help you tally up your savings and total cost before going to the register.
When you’re organizing coupons, be sure to use dividers to separate different sections of your notebook. Label divider tabs based on common sections in the store. Sections should include drinks, household goods, pet care, meat, deli, and produce. You can also add labels unique to you.
Your dividers and coupons should be sectioned based on the item’s location in the store. Be sure to group sections that are close, together. This will allow for a smooth shopping trip and easy recall of your coupons. There may be deals you see while shopping in-store. Having your coupons easily accessible is key to making sure you get the most out of on the fly deals.
Coupons Organization
Once you divide your coupon notebook into sections, place baseball card binder sheets between them and group identical coupons into the same sleeve. If there are multiple expiration dates place the ones closer to expiration at the front and the newest dates in the back. You can also organize all like items on the same page. Take for instance, in the home goods section you can showcase all laundry detergent options on the same pages. Be sure to group them by brand for easier recall.
There are many other ways to organize your coupon binder. If you have other tips on organizing your coupons, be sure to comment below and add them to the discussion.
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