My Top Grocery Must-Haves

I do not know about you all, but I love going grocery shopping. When I get in the store, I take my time perusing down all the aisles. It’s especially exciting when I find a great item on markdown because it means I get to try something new. Aside from the thrill of it all, when I go shopping, I consider my top grocery must-haves. These are items I pick up every trip. Follow along to find out what they are and why they are my favorites.


Every shopping trip, I am sure to pick up fish and other seafood staples like shrimp. I gravitate towards the Aqua Star Wild Caught Salmon at Kroger. It usually sells for $6.99 a pack and makes five servings. The fish can be baked, fried, or seared. I typically throw dress it in butter, a mix of seasonings, and honey glaze and pair it with rice and veggies for the perfect meal.


The biggest grocery must-have is bread for me. I get loaves of bread so my significant other can make yummy gourmet sandwiches. I get croissant rolls to stuff full of yummy bacon and ranch chicken salad, cornbread to go with any southern dish, and occasionally some biscuits. Bread is just so good and goes with everything.


Pasta and rice dishes always seem to end up in my cart on each shopping trip. My cupboards are full to the brim with spaghetti noodles, jasmine rice, and macaroni and cheese. What I like most about pasta is it’s cheap and can feed a lot of people when cooked. If your family is small, it makes for great leftovers.


I love a good dessert after dinner. While I don’t eat them often, when I do, I go all out. Every time im at the store, I get something sweet. Last time I went shopping I came back home with five boxes of cake mix that were BOGO at Publix. The time before that was two bags of semi-sweet chocolate chips I’m going to use to make alkaline chocolate chip cookies.


The most important items in my cart are always the veggies. They keep you healthy and strong. Some of my favorites to pick up at Aldi are asparagus, mushrooms, spaghetti squash, and potatoes.

Going to the grocery store can be an adventure, but most times, you are picking up your top grocery must-haves. Comment below and drop some of your favorite items to buy.

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