Pet food is expensive, but the pet food industry is also highly competitive. Pet food manufacturer’s regularly run offers for free samples, free bags, and other promotions. The savings from these offers can be significant if you sign up at their sites and take advantage of them. Here are a few suggestions to get the most out of these offers:
Manufacturers Clubs: As with most products, signing up for a manufacturer’s newsletter is a great way to receive special offers. Manufacturers of pet products typically have “clubs”, with additional “invitation only” offers, free products, coupons, special promotions, and other news. This is not the best way to receive offers on CURRENT products, but as products are continuously changing, regular offers to try the new products for free make sign-ups worth while.
Store Pet Clubs: Many grocery stores have Pet Clubs. Consumers can typically sign up for these under their customer loyalty cards. Some stores offer one-check rebates, free products after a certain number of purchases, or even points per dollar on pet item purchases. Stores may have a specific list of products, or have periodic special offers for specific brands. Whatever the case, members frequently receive cash rebates, free products, or special check out coupons. Sign up and reap the benefits.
Check-Out Coupons: Many stores print check out coupons at the register, known as Catalina’s. Pet products are highly competitive, and again, if you aren’t brand loyal, you can be rewarded. Pet food and treats are frequently offered free, or nearly so, with check out coupons for their brands when you purchase a competitors brand. Combined with Pet Club benefits, you can receive a winning combination.
Pet Store Rewards Pet stores, such as PetCo and PetSmart, have customer loyalty cards. Sign up, and receive special offers, coupons, early announcement of sales, and gift cards. Offers vary by store, and by your purchasing trends.
Tip: To minimize digestive upset when trying different dog foods, mix free samples together into your pets regular diet.
Where to Sign up: For more information, visit these manufacturer sites and promotional offers:
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I make my own dog food by buying regular ingredients from the store. I had our vet look over the recipe to make sure it’s got all of the nutrition he needs. It’s much less expensive than some of the mid-range foods out there and MUCH healthier. I also go to my local butcher to get uncooked beef ‘knuckles’ for my dog to chew on. I never leave the dog alone with a bone though.